Workshop mit Kino MacGregor - in Wien und Online!
Fri, 04 - Sun, 06. September 2020We are very glad that we can offer this workshop as a full workshop in Vienna and additional to Vienna, for those who can´t travel, as a full Online-Workshop or Online-Single Drop In Classes via Zoom.
Dates & Time
Fr, 04.09.2020 19:00 – 21:00
Vairagya: Mindful Movement
Learn a new paradigm for your practice where less effort equals more results. Drop into the inner body and discover healing, quietness and wisdom. Start off with a meditation and end with a deep flow practice.
This class is the antidote to the goal-oriented mindset. Understand what it means to practice with non-attachment and be in a fully surrendered state. This class is an impartation of the most subtle teachings of yoga.
Sat, 05.09.2020 10:00 – 12:00
Fundamentals of Yoga/Ashtanga Basics
Ashtanga Basics
Dive into a detailed exploration of the Ashtanga Yoga method starting with the foundational principles of practice in the Primary Series. Break down key principles and poses in a perfect mix between theory and application. Perfect for all levels, new students will find a warm welcome to this ancient tradition and old students will leave with a fresh look at the lineage and practice.
Fundamentals of Yoga
Dive into a detailed exploration of the yoga method based in the foundational principles of practice in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. Break down key principles and poses in a perfect mix between theory and application. Perfect for all levels, new students will find a warm welcome to this ancient tradition and old students will leave with a fresh look at the lineage and practice.
Sat, 05.09.2020 14:00 – 16:00
Open Your Hips
Hip to Be Square: Love, Accept and Open Your Hips
Accessing the deep release and openness that hip rotation requires is a unique combination of anatomical knowledge and inner peace. Join this class to learn the right information and, more importantly, the right frame of mind to hip opening from. Gain access to the deep muscles within the pelvis and learn to relax and release your hips. Be ready for a deep journey into the inner body complete with a detailed muscular and skeletal technique and the subtle body of emotions and energy. Learn how to create the safe space of patience, kindness and tolerance in the deepest regions of the pelvis and watch your hips open.
Sun, 06.09.2020 09:00 – 11:00
Ashtanga Yoga Full Primary Series
Surrender to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method with careful emphasis on the traditional vinyasa method and have fun along the journey. Experience the integrity and purity of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and be prepared to sweat.
Sun, 06.09.2020 13:00 – 15:00
Arm Balances Marathon
Get your shoulders ready and rev up your core engine! In this class you will practice solid foundation and technique in both arm balances and headstand. Once the basics are established have fun connecting the poses and work on more powerful transitions. Modifications will be given for all levels, making it easier if you’re a beginner and harder if you’re more advanced.
This workshop can be booked as a full workshop in Vienna or as a full Online Workshop or as Online Single Drop In Classes via Zoom.
Subject to alterations. Minor changes to the schedule are possible. A detailed time table will be published shortly before the workshop.
This workshop is appropriate for the interested student at most levels of practice, from the experienced beginner to advanced practitioner as well as for yoga teachers.
This workshop is recognized by the Yoga Alliance as „Continuing Education“ (10 h)
Booking for Workshop in Vienna
Venue: Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Währingerstr. 59
Stiege 2, 1. Stock, 1090 Wien
Organizer: Petra Rinnerberger
Please send an Email to info@pureyoga.at AND transfer the payment the workshop costs to the account we name in our answering Email. With successful payment, your place at the workshop is confirmed.
ATTENTION: The workshop has a limited number of participants. Places will be assigned according to “First come, first serve“ principle.
Booking for Online-Workshop and Online-Single-Drop-In-Classes
Solltest Du aus einem Land außerhalb Österreichs zum Workshop anreisen, informiere Dich bitte rechtzeitig in Deinem Abreise-Land über alle notwendige Einreisebedingungen nach Österreich wie z.B. Visum, positives Gesundheitszeugnis, negativer Coronatest, evt. 14 tägige Quarantäne Einhaltung etc.. Wir bitten Dich wirklich rechtzeitig um die nötigen Einreiseformalitäten zu kümmern. Eine Nicht-Einreise auf Grund fehlender Unterlagen ist kein Grund zur Retournierung der Workshopgebühr.
Stornobedingungen für diesen Workshop:
- bis 90 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn wird eine Stornogebühr von 25% des gesamten Kursbeitrages verrechnet.
- bis 45 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn wird eine Stornogebühr von 50% des gesamten Kursbeitrages verrechnet.
- weniger als 45 Tage vor dem Workshop- oder Kursbeginn ist keine Refundierung oder Gutschrift des Kursbeitrages möglich.
- Wenn Du selbst nicht am Workshop teilnehmen kannst, kannst Du eine Ersatzperson zum Workshop senden. Die Personaldaten der Ersatzperson (Vorname, Zuname, Emailadresse und Telefonnummer) müssen rechtzeitig (spätestens bis 01.09.2020) vor Workshopbeginn an Pureyoga bekanntgegeben werden. Wir führen keine Warteliste und können daher von unserer Seite keine Ersatzpersonen vorschlagen.
- Sollte der Workshop seitens Pureyoga/Petra Rinnerberger auf Grund von Covid 19 abgesagt werden, erhältst Du den vollen Kursbeitrag zurück oder Du buchst auf den neuen Termin 2021 um.
- Der Online Workshop und die Online-Drop-In Klassen können bis 10 Tage vor dem Workshop storniert werden.
If you are travelling to the workshop from a country outside of Austria, please check all kinds of entry requirements to Austria like Visa, Postitive Health Test, Negative Corona Test, evt. 14 days Quarantene or others that are required when entering Austria from your country in time. Please provide yourself with all necessary papers and bookings in time. Restricted entering of Austria because one of these necessary papers are missing is no reason for returning the workshop fee.
Cancellation conditions for this workshop:
- up to 90 days before the start of the workshop/course, a cancellation fee of 25% of the total course fee will be charged.
- up to 45 days before the start of the workshop/course, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total course fee will be charged.
- Less than 45 days before the start of the workshop/course, no reimbursement or credit of the course fee is possible.
- If you cannot participate in the workshop yh can send a substitute person to the workshop. The personal data of the replacement person (first name, surname, email address and telephone number) must be announced to Pureyoga in time before the beginning of the workshop (latest by Sept 1st 2020). We will not have a waiting list and won´t be able to name a person as your substitute from our side.
- In case of Pureyoga/Petra Rinnerberger is cancelling the workshop due to Corona Regulations, you will get back the full sum you paid or are free to rebook the sum for the next workshop in 2021.
- The Online-Workshop or Online-Drop In classes can only be cancelled more than 10 days prior to the workshop.
About Kino MacGregor
Kino MacGregor is one of a select group of people to receive the Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. The youngest woman to hold this title, she has completed the challenging Third Series and is now learning the Fourth Series. After spending a major portion of her life actively engaged in personal growth work, Kino returned to Miami Beach to create a space dedicated to the integration of yoga, holistic health and consciousness. In 2006, she and her husband Tim Feldmann founded Miami Life Center, where they now teach daily classes, workshops and intensives together. Miami Life Center is a community built around yoga, holistic health and consciousness on Miami Beach see www.miamilifecenter.com. Kino is dedicated to spread Ashtanga yoga throughout the world and sharing the amazing tradition of Ashtanga yoga with everyone who is inspired to practice. In her unique, inspirational and playful approach Kino helps all her students expand and deepen their understanding of yoga and life. Yoga found its expression through her message of spiritual strength, balanced flexibility and emotional peace. Passionate about the environment, Kino recently pledged a monthly donation to Go Zero! to make her heavy travel schedule carbon neutral. As life coach and Ph.D. student in holistic health with a Master’s Degree from New York University, Kino integrates her commitment to consciousness and empowerment with her yoga teaching see www.dynamicself.com.